CHIEFS CHOICE: | Ethiopia - Suke Quto |
WHAT YOU NEED: | Coffee / Espresso Machine with Portafilter / Grinder / Tamper / Timer / Digital Scale |
BREW TIME: | 2:00 minutes |
1. GRIND A DOSE OF O' Remove the portafilter. Wipe it clean and dry out the basket. Zero out the scale to (0.0g) and then grind between 18-21g of coffee (19g was used for this example). Distribute the coffee with a functional flat tool or by drawing a finger across the portafilter. Please note: Finely grind the coffee -- this is crucial to an exceptional shot of espresso. It might be necessary to adjust its fineness as desired, but in general, the grind ought to be quite fine. |
2. TAMP THE PORTAFILTER Rest the portafilter on a flat surface. Without driving your palm into the tamper’s base, firmly apply pressure downward
— on top of the grounds firm enough to seal the coffee in evenly, not very hard. Give the tamper a gentle 90° spin — to smooth, or “polish,” the grounds for an even extraction.
3. START YOUR SHOT Prep your espresso machine by purging water through the grouphead to make sure everything is hot, then lock the portafilter into place. Place a cup under portafilter, start a timer, and then place the portafilter in the grouphead and start your shot. The extraction should take about about 25 - 30 seconds, causing the shot to thicken and start “blonding,” or turning yellowish. Stop the shot when this happens! Please note: If it takes too much longer or is pulling too slowly, try a coarser grind. If it brews too quickly, try a finer grind. |